Reformulating for…Research Workshop

Reformulating for…Research Workshop

Project Team: Cecilia De Marinis, Dorotea Ottaviani, Maria Veltcheva
Year: 2021
Places and Institutions: CA2RE+ / University of Ljubljana

What is the role of Reformulation in Design Driven Doctoral research (DDDr)? What does Reformulation mean for the researcher? And what does it mean to reformulate for the supervisor, panel member, observer, and external audience? What are the challenges, objectives, moments, and actions that affect and shape the reformulation process?

This workshop aims to answer those questions by exploring the concept of “Reformulation” from the perspective of the multiple audiences inside and outside of the CA2RE+ community.

The goal is to collect insights, red threads, commonalities, doubts, and questions revolving around this pivotal aspect in DDDr.

The workshop was delivered in a blended modality with participants both in presence at the University of Ljubljana or online.

Ca2Re + University of Ljubljana - 2021

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Pictures by Tadeja Zupančič

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Architectural Design Research Studio